
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy October and a Currently!

Happy October everybody! Here in California our heat wave seems to be dying down a bit and I am actually starting to feel a little fall chill in the air. I am planning on soaking in as many RELAXING fall activities as possible this weekend. It's been a long week ya'll.

On to the currently...
My kiddos are loving this book (especially my boys!). It is sometimes hard to find holiday books that aren't too young for my 5th graders. This one works well for the older set and  I am all for any book that gets a couple of wiggly, reluctant readers engaged and reading! :) 

I am pretty sure most everything else on my currently is fairly self-explanatory. As I said before it has been a looonnngg week so I am enjoying my Wednesday night and vegging out to the fullest extent as I catch up on my favorite shows and pin away. That is my kinda night! The only thing that would make it better is a glass an ipad ...or a glass of  wine...or ....

I am so looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Do you all have Monday off? In my district we've always celebrated Indigenous Peoples Day (rather than Columbus Day), but in the past we didn't have the day off. This year we do! I am loving this new change! In honor of my 3 day weekend, I think I might finally redeem my gift certificate and get a long awaited massage. Sounds like a good way to rejuvenate and kick off a new month! :)   

What have you been up to? Link up with Farley and share! 

Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week and relaxing weekend, too! 


  1. I love your blog name! I'm also here in hot California! So happy this heat will be leaving us soon! Modern Family is one of my favorite shows!! Happy to be a new follower of yours!

    <a href=">Beach Lovin' Teach</a>

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Hope it is cooling down for you. Happy weekend!

  2. Doing my rule of three for Farley's currently. Hope you enjoy your long weekend. We don't have a day off until the second week in November. I am enjoying the cooler weather that has helped fuel the rapid color change. Love Michigan fall colors.

  3. Workday on Monday, Modern Family is one of my favorites!!

    Young Daze in 5th Grade

    1. Bummer...wish all teachers had the day off Monday!

  4. My family just bought an iPad this summer. Love it! Oh, how I would love to have a 3 day weekend right about now.
    Funky First Grade Fun

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you a 3 day weekend sometime soon!

  5. Modern Family cracks me up! I can't wait to see what happens to Jay and Gloria this season!

  6. I am on Fall Break right now, and we do have Monday off, but not paid. It is a furlough day!!! Booo! Hope your 3 days is a good one!

    Surfin' Through Second

    1. Yay for fall break! Boo for furlough day! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  7. I really want an ipad too! Found you from the linky. I am your newest follower:) Stop by and visit me...

    Learn, Play & Have Fun

    1. Just stopped by and am a new follower. :)

  8. Hi there, thanks for coming by my blog. I am your newest follower. Your blog is CUH-UTE! I posted another freebie today. I hope you like it!

  9. LOVE your blog name!!!!! I gotta find that book! Found ya through Farley's link up :)


Thank you for stopping by my little corner of blogland! I am so happy that you are here! :)