
Friday, September 28, 2012

A little bit of this & a little bit of that...

It's Friday!!! Yay! I feel like there has been so much going on this week my head is still don't be surprised when this post is ALL over the place! :)

The ABC's of ME 
 We had Back to School night last Thursday and I had the kids make these sweet little books from Laura Candler. I think they're pretty cute and the kids really got into them. Of course the parents loved them too! If you wanna get your copy click *HERE*. This is a super easy project that's perfect for Back to School Night, Open House, etc.

Each book was placed on top of the student's desk so the parents were able to read them as soon as they sat down. The sentence starters in Laura's book are really thoughtful and the parents loved seeing what their child had to say. Again, if you want a copy click *HERE*

I love me some Target! 
I am loving these fall finds...all from the $2.50/$1.00.
These little gems are making my classroom feel all warm and cozy for fall....despite to 80 degree temps outside. (I keep telling myself I should be grateful but I really wanna wear a comfy sweater and cute boots and curl up with my pumpkin spice latte.....maybe in a few more weeks!)

Winner, winner! Chicken dinner!
I woke up this morning to an email from Christina from Ramblings of a Fifth Grade Teacher. I won a Starbucks gift card from her giveaway!  You know I love that!  Head on over to her blog and check it out! :)
My Photo

Well, I think that's it for my randomness for today....I have a lot of projects to work on this weekend so I hope that I have something to share on here in the next couple of days. Have a FAB Friday! :)


  1. Your ABC's of me is SUCH a CUTE idea. I'm going to download a copy. Thanks!!
    The Hive

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Isn't Laura's ABC book cute?!?! She has such great stuff!

  2. Julia - you are soo cute! I love your blog and the title! I found you from another blog accidently and so glad! I also have dream like magic as my blog design and am thinking about having her update mine. I teach first in CA. Arent' you glad back to school night is OVer...I love meeting the parents but relieved when I'm done. Have a great week!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Vicky (and for leaving such a sweet comment)! I AM glad back to school night is over! I love Dream like Magic. Everything is ADORABLE! I am heading over to your blog finding new blogs! :)


Thank you for stopping by my little corner of blogland! I am so happy that you are here! :)