
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Book Clubs & Edmodo

Hi all! Happy Saturday!

I wanted to share s fun little resource that kids L-O-V-E. It's called Edmodo. Have you heard of it????

I actually first heard about Edmodo at a technology conference over the summer. It is basically like Facebook but can be used for communicating with your students online. If you check out the image below you can REALLY see the similarities to fb!

It is a secure site, password protected and nobody else sees the info posted so there is a lot less to worry about than some other sites. To be honest, I don't remember all of the security details because the conference was in July but I do know that it was approved for our school and we are kinda strict about all that stuff!

Anyway, our 7th grade teachers have been using Edmodo with great success. They even post assignments online and the students turn them in via Edmodo. Since it's just like Facebook, you can use it to facilitate peer to peer discussions as well....

Which brings me to the book club. Our teeny tiny school is filled with some reluctant readers. We are using this fun Edmodo site to get them excited about reading. The 6th grade teacher and myself are hosting an all girls book club for 6th, 7th and 8th graders.

The sixth grade teacher picked our first book Ninth Ward by Jewell Parker. It tells the story of a 12-year-old girl during Hurricane Katrina. Our shipment hasn't come in yet, but I really can't wait to start reading it next week!

And the best part: the girls are super excited, too! We weren't sure how much interest this book club would generate since it requires the girls to do a lot of extra reading outside of school. They also have to post and discuss each chapter in addition to their normal nightly homework for school but so far the response has been great! 

We've already had more than half of the middle school girls at our school join our  group on Edmodo. They've  all commented on the authors introduction which was posted on our Edmodo page and watched a video clip from youtube.

The girls are already using strategies (predicting, building their schema), searching out their own info (several have commented on googling the events of Hurricane Katrina) and chit chatting about the books with their peers. 

I can't wait to see where it goes from here! I am all for any tool that has our students excited about  reading and discussing books --even on this three day weekend! Love, love, love! 

Have you used Edmodo? What are some other online resources to get kids involved? Please share! I'd love to know more! 

PS I am sooo close to 50 followers! To all of my followers:thank you, thank you, thank you! I am loving the blog world! If you don't already follow my blog I would love it if you would! :) 

Have a great weekend! 


  1. I love the idea of using Edmodo with reading. I wish YouTube wasn't blocked at my school, so I could use videos like the trailer. After watching the trailer, it's no wonder your girls are excited to read the book.

    Oh, I am follower #50. Congrats!

  2. Technology can be such a powerful tool for motivation and engagement! I am so happy to hear that Edmodo is working as a platform for you book club and students are interested in participating :)!

  3. I am pretty happy about it too! It is amazing what a little technology can do! :)

  4. I am SO excited about this idea!!! I set up a lunch bunch book club and would LOVE to do one this way as well! Could you explain more about the logistics of running your Edmodo club? Thanks for the great idea!

  5. I. Love. This. Idea. From using Edmodo to having book clubs for girls. Awesome. I had heard of Edmodo, but havent researched it and am looking forward to looking into it! Thanks for the great ideas!


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