
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pintrest & a Halloween Freebie

Last week was all kinds of crazy. Assessments.  Staff meetings. Professional development. Enough said.

This week looks super busy too, so I am procrastinating preparing the best way I know how.

 I started by reorganizing my pintrest boards. If you don't already follow me click HERE.

I am still so obsessed with pintrest ... the novelty hasn't worn off for me. Pretty much 80% of my pins are school related (the other 20% are clothes I can't afford or food I shouldn't eat) so I promise there are lots of lots of good ideas on these boards! I seriously don't know how I lesson planned before pintrest! :)

My kiddos start assessments this week which means by lunchtime they are in need of a serious brain break.

So I  came up with this little pack:
It comes with 5 Halloween/Fall word activities. You can download it for free HERE.
Words within Words has quickly become one of my kiddos fave games. You know the game where you write out a long word (i.e. environment) and then they look for smaller words that they can make with the letters in the big word (i.e. mint, iron, never).

 Anyway, I usually just write a word on the whiteboard and they find the smaller words on a piece of scratch paper but I decided to fancy it up a bit this week. Each sheet also has adorable clipart from my new fave My Cute Graphics. Love the site and I am so thankful it is F-R-E-E. If you haven't already, go check it out! :)

I am also planning a little somethin' somethin' since I just reached  50 followers so stay tuned...although with the crazy week ahead, there are no promises that it will be up anytime soon! Such is the life of a teacher during assessment time!  Oh well!

What do you all have planned for the week ahead?

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog! I am now following you. Thanks again for linking up on my linky party!



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