
Monday, October 15, 2012

I've been boo'd!

Love this fun little linky that has been going around. Reminds me of a Secret Santa! :) 

I was boo'd by Mrs. Young over at Young Daze in 5th Grade. Head on over and check her blog out! 

I am a little fuzzy on the rules for this linky but I know it has something to do with sharing some October books and spreading the Boo'd love!

So here it goes....

Fave Halloween Books: 

I know this ones been passed around for awhile but my kiddos love it every time! 

The current favorite in our class. 

Now, let the BOOING begin! 

I am booing Kim over at Literacy Sundae. I just stumbled upon her blog...actually she stumbled upon mine and then I stumbled back onto hers. Anyway, it is ADORABLE and she has lots of great ideas too! Go visit! 

Literacy Sundae

I am also booing Sara at Miss V's Busy Bees.  Another adorable bloggy-blog. And she's always keeping me up to date on all the blog happenings. 

 Miss V’s Busy Bees

And  last, but certainly not least, Michelle from Just Wild About Teaching. Love her fun ideas. Makes me wanna teach the littles! :) 
My Photo

Now get busy and start BOOING!  


  1. Replies
    1. I also wanted to let you know that I have chosen to BOO you (in a different type of game!). Head on over to my blog & check out my post from today to see what you do if you want to participate :)

      Miss V's Busy Bees

  2. thanks for boo-ing finally going to start booking people that frankensten makes a sandwich sounds super cute =)

    Just Wild About Teaching

  3. Hi Julia, I'm so glad I found your blog through all of this boo-ing going on. I teach 5th as well, and both of my teammates have been on maternity leave since late last April, so I know (somewhat) what it might be like to teach on your own. One class per grade level?! Wow. I'm your newest follower :)


Thank you for stopping by my little corner of blogland! I am so happy that you are here! :)