
Sunday, June 2, 2013

June Currently

I've been a little MIA lately but summer is (finally!) here so I am BACK! :) I'm linking up with the ever popular Farley for the June Currently


Listening to Arrest & Development...and have been since Monday. :) 

Loving that I am officially on summer break. Our last day was Friday and I have been living it up (and sleeping a lot) since the final bell rang.  :) 


I'm thinking about Summer School which starts in just a week. EEEK!!!! 

This should help with my want: more funds. Who am I kidding, I always want more funds but with all of the quick trips and mini vacays I have planned the extra funds are really a necessity. Work hard, play hard, right??? (And don't feel too bad for me because summer school is only 3 weeks.)

Bringing me to my 3 vacay essentials.....

1) Us Weekly --A guilty pleasure of mine which I enjoy so much more if read by a lake, pool, beach or other body of water. 
2) A floatie for said lake, pool, beach or other body of water. This one is my fav. It's from Target and super cheap, too! 
Intex Pink Floating Seat 47"x38"x11"
3) AC  If I'm inside I want to be cool....too bad my summer school classroom does not have AC. Seriously! No, AC. I do live in the SF Bay Area so it doesn't get hotter than 80 degrees but still....a little cool air would be nice! 

Hope you are all enjoying your first days of summer or your last days of school! 


  1. Love the name of your blog! And I too subscribe to US Weekly and love it! My guilty pleasure too. Sometimes an English teacher needs to read something other than school books :)

    Tales of Teaching in Heels

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I <3 that floatie! (And any excuse to go to Target) I'm also in the need of extra funds but not sure if I could tutor or do summer school. Do you ever get burnt out? (Our summer school is the few weeks before school starts--not right after school is out)

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  3. I love US Weekly! I'm also obsessed with E! ... Hope you get summer school! We could all use a few extra $$. =)

    Just Wild About Teaching


Thank you for stopping by my little corner of blogland! I am so happy that you are here! :)