
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Five on Friday

This week was a short one for me...only 4 days. Woohoo! But somehow we crammed a TON into those 4 little days. I'm linking up with Teaching Doodle Bugs for a recap. 

1) Fun with Easter Eggs

Did you see this super fun freebie from The Happy Teacher in the teachers pay teachers newsletter last Sunday??? 

I love that it it is truly a product that can be used with any grade level. The example shows the activity as away to practice adding whole numbers.  My students worked on adding decimals and had a great time. 

Earlier in the week we also used the plastic eggs for test prep. I filled the eggs with test questions and they answered the questions with partners. Much more fun than traditional test prep. 

2) Peeps 

I sent my kids home with this sweet treat:
Of course mine aren't as beautiful as the pintrest version (especially with the glare!)  but my kiddos were still thrilled with the sugary goodness. :) 

3) Observation 
I had a formal observation this week. We were told that they would be looking for our use  differentiated instruction which was one of the things I've been trying to work on using more this year. 
By the way, I ordered this book a few weeks ago and I'm loving it! Lots of great stuff...

My lesson seemed to go well but I won't get the formal evaluation/meet with my admin until I return from Spring Break. It's always a relief to just have it DONE. :)

4) Parent Game Day 
This week we had parent game day. Parents could come after school and play board games in each classroom. We played chess (my boys are obsessed) and Headbandz (I'm obsessed with this one. So fun!). 
5) Spring Break 
I am officially on Spring Break...enough. said. 

Now, I'm off to blog stalk. Enjoy your weekend and have a great Easter! :) 


  1. Parent Game Day sounds like such a fun idea! Happy Spring Break! We're enjoying ours now too!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  2. Hope you get a great report from your observation! I have my first formal observation tomorrow. That book looks great- totally putting it on my wishlist!

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

  3. Thanks for the book suggestion. :) I'm your newest follower.
    Creating Lifelong Learners


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