
Saturday, December 1, 2012


It's that time again! Time to link up with Farley  for this month's currently. Don't you just love the fun Christmas graphics on this one?!?!?!

My responses are pretty self explanatory this time around. I am finally starting to get into the holiday spirit  I really tried to get into it last week but I couldn't bring myself to pull out the decorations or start my shopping. This weekend that might actually happen! This cold weather is making Christmas feel a little bit closer. Changing the Calendar over to December helps too!

Speaking of December and Christmas....I wanted to share a link to The Family Giving Tree. It is a great organization  Every year our local Wells Fargo partners with them. You can choose a child from the tree in their lobby and purchase presents for them. I know that their are similar charity drives going on through different organizations. I have participated in several similar organizations over the years and I can truly say that purchasing a gift each year is one of my very favorite parts of Christmas.

I hope you all are having a great start to the holiday season! Don't forget to link up! Head on over to Oh Boy Fourth Grade! 


  1. I need to do some Christmas shopping too!
    Flying into First

  2. Cute blog! I found you through the linky party. I understand about starting the shopping. It's fun but it's definitely a chore!

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  3. I am almost done Christmas shopping...the hubs is the last one left and of course he is super difficult to buy for! Happy Saturday!

  4. I haven't started my shopping either! I usually don't start 'till I'm on break. :-) Nothing like last minute shopping! Your blog is really cute! My sister and I are your newest followers!
    Sister Teachers

  5. Your blog design is so cute! Love the colors! I love cool, rainy weather! Unfortunately, South Texas only has dry, sunny weather. Hehe

    Hope you're enjoying your Saturday!

    Bren P.
    The Teacher Diaries

  6. I haven't even started with Christmas shopping. I miss cool, rainy weather. There is never enough of it in Arizona. Found you through the linky party and just started following you.

  7. I also need to start shopping. Our first get-together is the 1th!

    Fifth in the Middle

  8. I also found your blog through the currently! I am a new follower!
    Second Grade is Out of This World

  9. Hi Julia - I am also enjoying this rainy california weather for a change too. I just hope it takes a very little break tomorrow morning when I have before school duty...LOL Enjoy your week!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  10. Hi Julia,
    I too am a CA resident and loving the rain...we have had hot weather for way too long! Glad you linked up so I could have a new blog to stalk!
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  11. Congratulations! I have nominated you for a Liebster Award. Go to my blog to see what it it.


Thank you for stopping by my little corner of blogland! I am so happy that you are here! :)