
Sunday, November 4, 2012


Happy Sunday everybody! I just got back from an amazingly wonderful birthday weekend and I am linking up with Farley before I start hitting all of the paperwork I missed while I was away.
It was my birthday this weekend and I spent it at my very favorite place: Avila Beach. It was very relaxing and oh so much fun! And this view never gets old: 
Plus it was unseasonably warm - 80 degrees today! 

While I was away, I received an iPad for my birthday. I was so happily surprised!!! Now I can't wait to start downloading apps and playing with QR codes! What are some apps you enjoy? Any tips for using the iPad in the classroom? Let me know!

Sing-A-Longs & Lullabies for the Film Curious George
Speaking of the classroom, my favorite thing to play in class is the Curious George Soundtrack. I know that it sounds a little young for my 5th graders but it is calming and fun! I love Jack Johnson so I am happy, too!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, too. If you haven't already, go link up. Now back to reality for me! Report cards, here I come!


  1. Yaay for a new iPad! I have one to use in the classroom and LOVE it. You'll be surprised how often you use the camera (picture and video) it's such a useful tool! I did a post on how I use my iPad a while back if you want to check it out Click Here I think the first app you should get is DEFINITELY ShowMe. It's fantastic. Good luck with your new toy!

  2. First of all - happy bday. I have been to Avila Beach several times. I live in southern Cal. Yay for the new ipad. Have fun with it. Our PTA bought all the teachers iPads. They are sure fun to learn about. Enjoy your week.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  3. Congratulations, Julia...on the birthday and the

    The iPad is a great tool to use, for both personal and professional work. I have been having so much fun using mine with my kiddies, and they have been loving it too!

  4. You are the second person that has mentioned Jack Johnson and the Curious George soundtrack. I LOVE Jack Johnson and had no idea about this. My middle school kiddos are too big for Curious George but my nephew LOVES him. I may have to send this my sister's way.
    Thanks for sharing it!
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  5. Aww, I love the Curious George soundtrack. My girls and I used to listen to it in the car all the time. Congrats on the iPad! I would be lost without mine. I use it all the live long day teaching. Have fun with it!

    Peacocks & Penguins

  6. LOVE Jack Johnson, and Curious George of course! Congrats on the Ipad - you'll be amazed at all you can do with it! :)

    Mrs. Dixon
    Teaching Special Thinkers


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