
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tell Me Something Good

I am linking up with Jennifer over at Rowdy in First grade for a little bit of positive thinking. These last few weeks have been completely a  little crazy and today was no exception, so I think Jennifer's linky is perfect way to end this busy day. 

Something Good at School: 
- We've made a ton of progress in math! I love, love, love Stephanie's Calendar Math and I've already seen so many benefits from using her product. Check it out! You won't be disappointed. 

 -My kiddos are really getting into Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'dell and I feel like they are learning a ton of new stuff as they read. 
               Product Image
I was a little nervous about it because it is much more complex than the other novels we've read so far this year.

- My first formal observation went well. I HATE being observed. I can never sleep the night before and I get way too nervous during the lesson but things went well and now I am DONE... until next semester. Whew! 

Something Good at Home: 

-I spent the entire weekend in my hometown doing absolutely nothing except soaking in some family time. Such an amazing with my momma, dinner at my grandama's, lunch with my cousin. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! :) 

-My boyfriend's mom made me the most AMAZING pumpkin chocolate chip bread. I've been looking forward to having it for dessert ALL day long. It's the little things that make me happy!  

Take a minute to link up! I can't wait to read about the good things going on in blogland. :) 


  1. My daughter is reading Island of the Blue Dolphins and she LOVES it. Pumpkin chocolate chip bread sounds so yummy!
    Funky First Grade Fun

    1. SO glad your daughter is loving Island of the Blue Dolphins. It is such a great book!

  2. I'm in school to be a teacher and I absolutely adore your blog! I plan on taking time soon to read through all your old posts. I know your blog will be a resource I turn to lots from now on. :)

    1. You are so sweet, Samantha! Thank you for your comment! You made my day. :)


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