
Friday, August 24, 2012

Freebie Friday: Superhero Comics

Whew! What a busy week---That seems to be the theme of all of my posts lately, busy, busy, busy! I guess it’s just that time of year. The first week of school is now officially over. It was a great week but I am soo happy the weekend is here! :) 

On Monday I linked up with Blog Hoppin for Teacher Week. Well….one things lead to another and somehow I missed Tuesday, Wednesday AND  Thursday….but it’s Freebie Friday now and I am BACK!
Click HERE to get your copy of my Superhero Comic Activity. 

I am super excited to share this fun freebie with you! I originally created the Superhero Comics lesson when I was in college. I was working with second grade students in an after school setting. We read Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey during homework club.
 The Adventures of Captain Underpants
While I was working with my sweet little second graders I stumbled upon this  website .  It has copies of the actual comics that Dav Pilkey drew as a child. How cool is that?!?!? 

As a culminating project the students created their own comic book character. I wish I had pictures of their cute little superheroes!

Fast-forward three years, I’m teaching 5th grade and need to teach onomatopoeia. What better way to incorporate  onomatopoeia than with a comic book lesson?!?!

Just today I pulled this lesson as a Fun Friday activity. I have quite an artistic bunch and they loved this activity! They worked hard to plan there characters. Some created very detailed story lines. They  came up with some fun characters like Mohawk Man and Super Star! One especially creative student came up with Tomato Man who fought his number on  nemesis Potato Man.

Check out their creative work below. 

Superhero Stats Sheet (Jotting down all of those great ideas!)  

Creating their comic strips using their newly created superhero. 

I wish i would have captured more of the comics! They really came out nicely and was a fun way to end the first week of school in a creative way! 

I hope that you can get use out of the freebie in your own classroom! Again, click HERE if you wanna grab it.  Please leave me a comment either here or at my TPT store if you decide to download. I love to hear from you! 

I know a lot of you will be returning to school next week, so here are a couple of fun back to school freebies: 

Fun freebie! Cute little bookmarks to welcome your students the first week of school. (grades K - 6)
               Back to School Book Marks 

Well I am off to relax after a long week! I'm going out of town to visit with family. Can't wait for a little R&R. Have a great weekend! 


  1. We start school on Wednesday, Sept. 5th and I just filled 63 "O FISH ALLY" fourth grade snack bags (filled them for my teammates too:). Thank you so much for the freebie!! I am a little nervous because I put the slip of paper in the bag and they are already showing "grease spots". Did yours do this? I didn't think goldfish would be so greasy:(
    Fourth Grade Flipper

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks so much for downloading! I am so sorry you're having that problem! Who knew those little guys were so greasy? I printed the messages of cardstock. (The back of the cardstock had grease marks but the message part was fine.) You could also attach the message to the outside of the bag with scotch tape or hot glue. Hope that helps and good luck with your first day of school!


Thank you for stopping by my little corner of blogland! I am so happy that you are here! :)