
Friday, August 10, 2012

Teacher Fashion Linky

     I'm so excited for my first linky party! I'm linking up with Jessica of From Blood to Books for a  Teacher's Fashion Linky. I just began my own  personal back -to -school shopping yesterday. Perfect timing for this linky. I'll get a little inspiration from you guys before I head out on my next shopping trip! 

1.     Tell me your favorite store(s) that you like to get your "teacher's fashion".
Love J. Crew, Gap, Old Navy & Target! Also, really, really love TJ Maxx! I wish I could shop at J. Crew all of the time but that’s not always doable on a teacher’s budget! Because of my limited budget I am always on the prowl for a good deal.  I have lots and lots of super cute things @ Target, TJ Maxx, Old Navy and other lower priced stores. Just takes a little more time.

 My daily uniform looks like some version of this (but I haven’t splurged on the Tory Burch flats…yet!).
 I am super lucky because we have a very casual dress code at our school. As long as it isn't revealing we can wear whatever we’d like-- even jeans or leggings.   

 2. What  are some of your favorite accessories?
I always, always wear silver studs and a necklace. I also love scarfs because they are such an easy way to change up a boring outfit. I just bought two yesterday!

3.  What type of shoes do you teach in? (i.e. heels, flats, wedges, etc.)
ALWAYS flats. I don’t know how you girls teach in heels, but I wish I could! I can’t even do it in a wedge! I have so, so, so many flats that I pick up from all over the place. TJ Maxx is a great place to find some cute designer flats within my price range. I can usually find a fun pair of Steve Maddens which are pretty comfy all day long. 

4. Do you have a "go-to" item in your closet? (i.e. sweater you wear weekly, shoes you wear daily, etc.)

Besides flats, my go to is definitely any cardigan sweater. I love me some cardigans! They’re easiest thing EVER to wear!  I actually really love the cardigans at both Old Navy & Target and they come in lots of fun colors & prints. 
My favorite is this cute lil leopard print cardigan from Old Navy (It actually looks cuter in real life!)

I also love, love this boyfriend cardigan from J. Crew. It can be paired with SO many things!  
5. Have you ever had a fashion "uh-oh" at school? (i.e. heel broke, button popped off of blouse)
During my first week of school I spilled coffee ALL down the front of me! (I’m talking have of my Grande White Chocolate Mocha so there was no hiding it!)   I was wearing a cardigan (of course!) and was on my way to the first staff meeting at my new school! “Hi, everybody! Nice to meet you! I’m the klutz teaching 5th grade.” J  Oh well! 


  1. Hi Julia! I'm so happy to have found another 5th grade blogger! I've had a few coffee spill oh-ohs as well. Even spilled some water in my lap once that looked quite suspicious - ha!

    Mrs. Allen’s 5th Grade Files

  2. I love those first two outfits! They're both SUPER cute. Especially that long sleeved sweater vest over the button up!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  3. I love the outfits!! I am definitely a fan of flats also!! I just found you & I'm a new follower! I'm looking forward to following along! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. I've been eyeing those Old Navy leopard cardigans too! I think I may have to get one! Your blog is great, I'm your newest follower :). I just started my own blog,, if you'd like to stop by!

  5. Thanks so much for linking up! I love the two outfits that you posted. I especially love the brown boots!! Thanks for sharing!

    From Blood to Books!


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