
Monday, May 6, 2013

Cards for Hospitalized Children

Today my kids and I spent about an hour of our time making cards for children who are hospitalized. The cards my kiddos made will be sent to Cards for Hospitalized Kids. They will then distribute the cards to hospitals like St. Jude's and Shriner's.  This is a great organization that was started by a high school student!

It always breaks my heart to hear about  sick children and makes me feel a bit helpless. How can I help???? Although these cards might not seem like  much, I hope that we brighten these children's day. It reminds me of this quote:
Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. #Quote

It made my heart happy to see my students working so hard on their cards and really thinking about the child who would be receiving it. \

This would be a great activity to do with your students, church group, girl scouts, etc. Pass the word along. :)

For more info about sending cards, check  here

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Happy Cinco de Mayo, all! 

Well, I'm a little late to the fiesta but here's my May Currently:

Anyone else feeling that end of the year crunch?!?!?

 I am so ready for summer but I have about a million and one activities I want to throw in over the next few weeks. (Were outta school in 25 days....)  Not to mention the fact that I still need to plan the end of the year field trip and figure out the end of the year party stuff. So I sit here with my coffee cup (ready for a refill) and my laptop planning away....

Good thing I will be relaxing next weekend in one of my favorite places, Chico, California. 

I will be here: 
An early spring scene at the pool at One Mile in Bidwell Park, Chico.

And Here: 
(See more gorgeous shots of the market from Wayward Spark  HERE

And no trip to Chico would be complete with out a stop here: 
5th Street Menu

I'm excited!! Can you tell?!?!? :) Our annual May Chico trip always makes it feel like summer is truly here! So nice to take a break from the foggy Bay Area weather and head to my college home for a littlle R&R and summer sun! 

What do you have up your sleeves these last weeks of school???