
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Science Notebook Love

As I spent hours wasting time  gathering ideas on Pintrest this summer, I started stock piling tons of science ideas. There are so many amazing ideas out there! Check out my "Science Board" on Pintrest.

Science has never been my favorite subject and it's always a little challenging for me to teach. This year I decided to use interactive notebooks with my kiddos during science. I actually started using interactive notebooks in social studies last year and LOVED them so I was very excited to start researching new ways to incorporated this same strategy with science.

 I was amazed with the creative ideas I found on amazed that I was actually looking forward to teaching science. *Gasp!*

Well  last week was the start or our science notebooks and so far the kids are loving science time and their notebooks are looking pretty spiffy if I do say so myself. This week we focused on the organization and set up of the notebook as well as an understanding of the basics of science.

 Here is a peek into our science notebooks so far...remember we just started so there's not a whole lot...yet!

Science Notebook title page (Pintrest inspired, of course!)

We created this anchor chart together and discussed what scientists study. My chart paper version is hanging in the classroom. My students created their own version on the "teacher side" of the notebook.

On the "student side" they created this simple foldable.

Our next lesson focused on the scientific method. On the "teacher side" Students completed clozed notes highlighting the steps of the scientific method. We also watched a BrainPop video and discussed each step of the scientifc method in detail.

Then the kids created their own illustrated version of the scientific method for the student side of their notebooks. they simply created the mini-book and then pasted the back cover to their notebooks.  They had so much fun with these! :)

So all in all, I am a HUGE fan of the interactive notebook so far. It is helping me stay organized and I am feeling much less overwhelmed. My kiddos are happy too. Love it!

Do you use interactive notebooks in your class? Any tips?


  1. Thanks for sharing so much. I love the anchor chart. I'm also a real fan of BrainPop. Looks like your little scientists are off to a great start thanks to your hard work this summer.

    Granny Goes to School


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