
Monday, September 3, 2012


Happy Labor Day everybody! I hope you are all having an amazing day off.  Labor Day is always a little bitter sweet. I love fall but summer is just so is hard to let it go. Oh well, such is life!

Now on with the currently... I am so excited to be linking up with Farley at Oh, Boy Fourth Grade! 

I think we can all agree that sleeping in on a Monday is pure bliss! And I can really say that my Labor Day weekend has been a great end to a wonderful summer. 

I spent an amazing weekend with my very bestest and oldest friends in the world. We all met in kindergarten and I always treasure the time we get to spend together. This weekend we got together and pretty much talked and laughed for 24 hours straight. It always amazes me how we can just pick up like no time has passed. The visit was good for my soul! 

I came home in time to spend Labor Day at home.  Sleeping in + my FAVORITE Starbucks Rice Krispie treats + a little shopping = a good day in my book! I am headed to a BBQ with my boyfriend's family in a little. me some BBQ, too!

Now I just gotta get my booty in gear so I am ready for reality tomorrow. I signed up to teach an after school program two days a week and it starts tomorrow. Art class with K - 5th graders should be fun and very messy! (Guess tomorrow is not the best day to wear my new jeans!)

I hope you all have a wonderful week! I am sending out a little extra love to those of you who are starting school this week!


  1. I still spend one shopping day a year with my best friend from kindergarten! It's funny how you pick up right where you left off! Oldest friends are the best!!

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

  2. I need more hours in my day, too. Let me know if you ever find any ;)


    Fun in Room 4B

  3. I love <3 30 Rock! Have you read Bossypants by Tina Fey? It's hilarious!

    1. I haven't! I better put that one on my reading list. :)


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